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Currently active in Delft Cape Town once a week. We consistently feeding 200 to 350 members in the area. However, we are a children's project and focus mainly on the children within the community. 
But always cook extra for the parents/guardians bringing the kids to the feeds and events. So overall we have children and adults we feeding on a weekly basis. It is our hearts to feed more days in the community. Our financials don't allow us to do so at the moment. We cook and go out according to our sponsors and donations. We have been very blessed to go once a week for now.  

2011 to 2020 has been very challenging and successful at the same time. I have often been reminded of the bible story the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes that fed the 5000. And many times we found ourselves in the very same position feeding the hundreds with the little we have . But it always feeds everyone. 

Miracles do happen and that is our faith in this project. 
In these nine years of running this project, we have seen the many and the little . But learned how to make it work threw all seasons even the seasons where it was dry. But our seeds continued to grow .with the support of people just sowing whether it was monetary or a bag of potatoes it is and always be greatly appreciated.  


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